What diseases did mammoths have? What parasites cohabited with a woolly rhino?
2020-03-23 06:58
The magnitude of the panic around the epidemic of the coronavirus COVID-19, which was concentrated mainly in the leading government circles of different countries, makes me think that we are not being negotiated. There are many diseases in the world, including infectious diseases, from which many more people die, but these people die quietly, without noisy quarantines, without the attention of the press and the powerful.
A virus is an intracellular parasite. The prefix "crown" - means only a feature of the appearance of this group of viruses, numbering up to 40 different viruses. Coronaviruses have been known for a long time - since 1960, and humanity has already faced infections like the current one:
SARS-CoV coronavirus, the causative agent of SARS, the first case of which was registered in 2002;
MERS-CoV coronavirus, the causative agent of the Middle East respiratory syndrome, the outbreak of which occurred in 2015.
The COVID-19 virus is infectious than its predecessors, but the disease itself is milder and the mortality rate from it is lower. In many patients, the disease is generally asymptomatic. Because of what then "wet forest burns"?
The COVID-19 virus - aka SARS-CoV-2, aka 2019-nCoV - belongs to the category of viruses that can be transmitted from animals to humans. This is not some of its unique features. In a similar way, such well-known brethren as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Ebola virus, Zika virus and others came into the human environment.
But the question arises: from which animals did the COVID-19 infection spread to humans? And I’ll immediately ask a broader question: COVID-19 was transmitted to humans from living creatures or from long extinct?
You must admit that a broad statement of the issue immediately explains such popular attention to a seemingly ordinary and not very dangerous virus.
In addition to the above, I want to inform you that in the frozen state, many microorganisms, including viruses, can be stored forever. This is how scientists store samples of coronaviruses in laboratory conditions, and when thawing, microorganisms instantly restore their vital activity.
In 2016, an outbreak of a very dangerous infectious disease occurred in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District of Russia - anthrax. The reason for the activation of microorganisms-pathogens was the thawing of permafrost, in which the remains of deer who had died from anthrax were once buried.
Thus, the thawing permafrost is a bottomless storehouse of pathogens, both our era and the era of long-extinct mammoths, as well as their contemporaries, whose remains are safely stored in the frozen permafrost of Siberia, Alaska and the Canadian North.
It is very important to understand that ancient animals, whose remains are safely preserved by permafrost, have lived on Earth for tens of millions of years. And the history of mammals in general totals 240 million years. And all this time, mammals were accompanied by pathogens, parasites and other "life companions" that mutated and improved all this time.
And our kind of "People" (Homo) arose no more than 3 million years ago. Our pathogenic “life partners” are a real small fry in comparison with those monsters of evolution that are stored in the strata of long-term frozen rocks along with the remains of ancient flora and fauna.
In 2010, a 20-year moratorium on ivory trade was introduced in the world. But since bone-carving art, so developed among the peoples of the East and North, could not stand still, there was a great demand for tusks of long-extinct mammoths in the world. Up to 500 US dollars are given per well-preserved tusk on a market, and one mammoth tusk can weigh up to 100 kilograms.
Bone carving products are very much appreciated in the world market. Even a small figure, skillfully carved by a master from a mammoth bone, can cost hundreds of thousands of US dollars.
But Russia, since the time of the merchant and industrialist, pioneer of the archipelago of the Novosibirsk islands, Ivan Lyakhov, has been the main supplier of mammoth bones to the world market.
And in the north of the Russia - in Yakutia - the real tusk fever began.
This business in Russia is not legal, but prohibitions do not stop hunters for luck. Moreover, the boundless expanses of Siberia are practically not controlled by the authorities.
And hundreds of prospectors, armed with motorized pumps and fire hoses, rushed to erode permafrost in search of tusks of extinct mammoths.
Prospectors extract from the permafrost annually about 300 tons of mammoth tusks and woolly rhinoceros horns, which are highly valued on the international market, and hundreds of tons of the remains of other animals and plants that were once instantly frozen alive under tons of polar ice remain decayed in place excavations.
However, back to our coronaviruses.
90% of mammoth tusks and rhino horns obtained in such a barbaric way is exported to China, South Korea and Hong Kong, where bone-carving art is historically developed. The Chinese Association of Carving Art and many bone carving production facilities are based in Guangdong.
Following the trail of the COVID-19 coronavirus mutation, the specialists of the project NextsTrain restored sources of infection in China. Along with the city of Wuhan, coronavirus infection began in Guangdong.
The sequence of distribution of the coronavirus COVID-19 in animation mode is available on the website NextsTrain.
Together with skillful bone figurines made of mammoth bones, the coronavirus quickly spread to the developed countries of the world, where connoisseurs of bone-carving art by Chinese masters live. And Ukraine, as well as African countries, the coronavirus left virtually unaffected by the epidemic.
You should know that the flora and fauna stored in permafrost in frozen form was frozen alive and instantly. The meat of fossil bulls and rhinos is edible, and there are people who claim to have eaten mammoth meat.
From the wound of an ancient foal found in Batagai failure in Yakutia, according to eyewitnesses, oozing live blood.
This was reported on the site Siberian Science News.
The instantly frozen ancient flora and fauna was frozen along with all its parasites, pathogens and other unpleasant appendages to scientific discoveries and the prospectors' earnings. What else will humanity extract from permafrost?
In conclusion, I cannot but touch on the topic of global warming in order to divert the punishing sword of just retribution from the thoughtless miners of Yakutia.
Permafrost is constantly melting without the efforts of the inhabitants of Siberia. The sun warms the earth as in the days of the mammoths, exposing more and more mysteries of ancient history. And this is one of the terrible troubles of global warming.
The remains of thawed animals and vegetation are washed uncontrollably by rivers into the ocean and what comes out of there next time - God knows only.
Let’s be careful. Do not be frivolous with the raging COVID-19 infection. Discussions about risk groups do not have a statistical basis. Recovery from coronavirus is also a conditional concept. Years must pass before it can be said with certainty that COVID-19 is finally defeated.
Take care of yourself!
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Author: Sergii Prosvietov
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