The moronic pictures learned from childhood from textbooks and encyclopedias have been haunting us all for a long time
2022-02-09 04:48
I'm constantly wondering: why is it so difficult to understand how the climate of our planet is formed? Why is the vast majority of the world's population concerned about greenhouse gases? Of course, this is important. And I began to understand.
I will not look for "black cat in a dark room", but I will try to talk about this phenomenon the most popular. After all, global warming affects absolutely all the inhabitants of the Earth, regardless of their level of education.
Let's see together what the inhabitants of the Earth have been taught since childhood:
Explanation below the picture: "Left: The surface of the Earth, heated by the Sun, radiates heat into the atmosphere. Some of the heat is absorbed by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and then radiated into space (A) Some of the heat is lost directly into space (B) Some of the heat is absorbed by greenhouse gases and then radiated back to the Earth's surface (C) Right : The more carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere at the end of this century, the more heat will be trapped by greenhouse gases, warming the planet." Image from: UCAR Science Education Center.
Here's everything drawn: part of the Sun's energy is reflected, and the second part remains on the Earth. The more greenhouse gas molecules in the atmosphere, the more energy remains on Earth. It would seem that there is something incomprehensible here?
But that's only a small part of the truth. In the "forgotten" figure, display the energy coming to the Earth from the Sun. After all, it is exactly the same reflected from greenhouse gas molecules. And the more of these greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the more Solar energy they are reflected.
In yellow, I added rays coming from the Sun in the picture. Here, the more greenhouse gas molecules in the atmosphere, the more solar energy is reflected back into space by these molecules.
And since the Earth receives a stable and equal amount of energy from the Sun (which has the scientific name "Solar constant"), the more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the less solar energy reaches the Earth. That is, the "Solar constant" - they get it, not a constant at all? Something I have not heard of such a "scientific discovery" of world significance.
But outright lies like drawing two pictures are too easy to figure out. Therefore, only one picture is used most often - for example, from the Encyclopedia Britannica:
The description of the greenhouse effect is also from Britannica: "Greenhouse effect on Earth. Some of the incoming sunlight is reflected Earth's atmosphere and surface, but most is absorbed by the surface as it heats up.Infrared (IR) radiation is then emitted from the surface.Some of the IR radiation escapes into space, but some is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases (especially water vapour, carbon dioxide, and methane) and re-emitted in all directions, some into space, some back to the surface, where it further heats the surface and the lower atmosphere." Image: Britannica, Inc.
Britannica apparently forgot that the visible part is a small fraction of electromagnetic waves sent from the Sun to the Earth. At a minimum, there is also the ultraviolet (UV) part of the spectrum, as well as infrared (IR) , delivering solar heat to Earth.
There are a lot of similar pictures in various publications and different texts. In each of them, publishers exercise their own understanding of the impact of the greenhouse effect on climate change on the planet.
And everything would be fine if such pictures were not then shown to adults. Just imagine that a person with an education and occupation of a journalist "knows" everything that is described above, and approximately in the same colors. And then he becomes the prime minister of a major power.
Yes, yes. I'm talking about Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
In his time as a journalist, Mr. Johnson, although he called for action in connection with climate change, expressed skepticism about the essence of the problem. And not so long ago - at the end of October 2021 - Johnson told reporters, on a flight to Rome for a meeting of world leaders a week before the UN climate conference COP26, about the climate training session he received.
"I put them [scientists] through it all, and if you look at almost vertical kink upwards on the temperature chart, human-caused climate change is very hard to argue. It was a very important moment for me", — Mr. Johnson told reporters on board the premier's plane.
That's what Johnson said about this chart:
There was a comment below the chart: "The chart shows atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the past 10,000 years (most) and since 1750 (inset) Measurements are shown for ice cores (symbols in different colors for different studies) and atmospheric samples (red lines) Corresponding radiative forcing is shown on the right axis of the large panel Full graph — Figure SPM.1 from AR4 — also includes plots for methane and nitrous Nitrogen Photo: AR4 WG1 IPCC, Summary for Policymakers (2007)".
Remarkably, Boris Johnson's training session on the basics of climatology, about anthropogenic impact on climate was Not much has been said by scholars. But this was enough for Johnson to immediately call climate change is "anthropogenic" .
And what was he to do if physics is far from the sciences taught at universities to journalists, and most of his life, moronic pictures were diligently "driven" into his head (see figure 1 and figure 3).
I brought up this topic not at all to raise or lower the ratings of state ladies and husbands . I raised this topic in order to show the simple "little Ukrainians" who are solving problems on a planetary scale today. Who is at the helm of states today and controls these gigantic and complex devices.
The main climate danger now facing all the inhabitants of the Earth is that the current global warming has nothing to do with the "anthropogenic factor". That is why it is developing at a tremendous speed. At a rate incommensurable with the increase in the content of CO2 in the planet's atmosphere. This is just not a cause, but a consequence of global warming.
And Mr. Johnson didn't need the training briefing before the G7 leadership meeting to establish himself in opinion about the anthropogenic factor of climate change. The briefing, most likely, was needed only so that later it would be possible to "transfer arrows" to modern science with "consensus" at the head. And for one thing, and to British science, which conducted this "educational" express briefing for the Prime Minister.
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