Law of Ukraine On Strengthened Protection of Property of Mass Media, Publishing Houses, Book Stores, Book Distribution Enterprises and Creative Unions of 20.05.2010 № 2274-VI

Law of Ukraine On Strengthened Protection of Property of Mass Media, Publishing Houses, Book Stores, Book Distribution Enterprises and Creative Unions of 20.05.2010 № 2274-VI

The present Law is aimed at preventing misuse and violations during alienation of immovable property, and eviction of mass media editorial offices, printing houses, publishing houses, book stores, book distribution enterprises and creative unions from premises used by them for their activity.

2011-02-02 15:58

Alienation of premises in the present Law means:

  • conclusion and performance of purchase and sale agreements;
  • conclusion and performance of pledge agreements;
  • conclusion and performance of mortgage agreements;
  • contribution of premises into statutory capitals (funds) of business entities;
  • performance of other civil acts that result in transfer of the right of ownership or use of premises to other legal and natural persons;
  • sale of property during proceedings on a bankruptcy case.

Article 1

Article 1 of the present Law forbids alienation of premises that house mass media editorial offices, printing houses, publishing houses, book stores, book distribution enterprises founded by bodies of state power, local self-government, associations of citizens, state research institutions, educational establishments, labor collectives, as well as creative unions.

According to Article 2 of the present Law, the immovable property of printing houses, publishing houses and information and production complexes that was contributed into the statutory funds of business associations created in the process of privatization (corporatization) on the base of property transferred into state or communal property according to the Law of Ukraine "On Transforming of the Property of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union into State Property", can be subject to lease exclusively by mass media editorial offices, printing houses, publishing houses, book stores, book distribution enterprises and creative unions. Conversion of such property objects is forbidden.

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